It is just after 8 o’clock and I’m sitting here with the sun warming my back after my first simple, albeit wonderful, dinner in the cockpit. Do you sense any different compared to my previous posts? No? Well…
I just got my heater fan.
So the weather went from “I need underclothes and four layers just to stay sane in my friggin’ cold boat” to “sitting in the sun in shorts writing this post and enjoying life to the fullest”. While very appropriately listeing to Queen’s “I’m going slightly mad”.
Otherwise, today was a day of taking care of the last bits of cable hunting by attaching the inner ceiling to the… ceiling. Large, rather bulky plywood sheets with vinyl attached to them to make them look better (raw plywood would be quite hobo in my opinion, so I’m greatful for that). It was a wrestle, but eventually they were in place. If only I didn’t know I need to remove them again some time to redo the electrics under them. But it will be fun, too!

After that wrestle I decided to take full advantage of the weather, so I took an hour long walk out to “my” point to watch and listen to the sea. It wasn’t my point any longer. There were quite a few people there, having picknics and a good time in the sun. I’m not blaming them. But it isn’t how I would expect a lockdown and two meters between each person to look like. Obviously this lockdown is starting to wear people down, and they need to have something to brighten their day. There were some people in a cove on the rocky beach, absorbing all the run they could. A couple was in the water, up to their thighs, but I would not expect that they went any further. The water looked very inviting, but I wouldn’t expect it to be warmer than that you would go numb after five to ten minutes.

At the point there was a small group of people with a blanket, but I found a spot where I could feel as if I was totally alone. I lay down in the thick grass, closed my eyes and just listened to the sea just a stones throw away, while the suns rays found their way in to my bone marrow, to finally thaw my bones. It was bliss. Almost no wind, no birds, no people. Just me and the ocean.

My point once again.
But I coudn’t stay, I had to get back to the boat yard and to Away to continue my work. But taking these walks is indeed nourishment for the soul. When I came back to the boat yard life was… simply better.

I’ve been thinking of how I want to redo the cusions in the salon for a while, and then maybe not so much color or shape, but function. It is really annoying when they slide around, mainly because the hook and loops that should hold them has died (they are full of fabric that the hooks has managed to pull off the cusions. Why is it that the manufacturers is always attaching the loops to the cusion, instead of the hooks?) and I have been trying to figure out how I would like to do it. So an hour later I had an idea ready that I think might work. All I need now is materials and a sewing machine and then I will start experimenting. So it will have to wait for a while. But it is in the Book of Ideas.
I begun to feel a bit hungry, so I started to peel some potaoes. Three to be exact. They were enormous, so I don’t know why I took three. One or maybe two smaller would have been enough. But now I have mashed potatoes for another day too! The food was delicious in its simplicity. And here I am now, writing this post for you to read and to remind me of the day when the weather finally gave up the idea of winter.
There will be summer.
(Just sending along one last picture of the inlet to Kinsale, it is not too bad when Mother Nature turns on the thermostat)

Over and out.